

pokemon! who doesn't like pokemon?

i got into pokemon as a little kid when i saw my cousins watching it. i remember something about togepi and misty and that is. about it. so i started watching the current episodes of the anime that were running, which happened to be DPPT. i wasnt trusted with a DS until black and white released. my parents got me both black and white because they had no idea how the version differences worked. i played white and honestly didnt like it because i buttonmashed through all of the dialogue. i was not a very intelligent 7 year old. i distinctly remember getting lost in chargestone cave like an idiot and promptly losing my cartridge and not seeing it again for several years. i also got white2, which met the same tragic fate.

the first game i actually finished was XY, which i obtained on the release day. it took me forever to finish them because i was attempting to sweep the e4 with a butterfree which went about as well as youd expect. i didnt think about pokemon very much until sun and moon released. i got sun and played it and- lost the cartridge. again. oops. i found it a while later in mid 2017 during USUM hype season and became OBSESSED. i finished the game in a day and cried at the ending. i got super invested in the hype for USUM and i distinctly remember being in the car and absolutely losing my SHIT over cyrus in rainbow rocket.

i started drawing the trainers constantly because i was only very good at drawing humans, but it quickly became an obsession with the trainers themselves.

Master Ball - Pokemon